Sunday, July 18, 2010


I realized today, as I went to the Hell's Kitchen flea market again in search of Mike the bike guy, who seems to be MIA, and then to the upper west side in search of a used bike store, that all the running around and reading about bikes, and looking at Craig's list, and asking questions and learning about bikes, is an excellent distraction for the more pressing matters of my life.  

And those issues are out of my control, unlike finding a bike, so I'm going to concentrate on the bike search and forget about the court appearance I have to make this week and take it one day at a time. 

Onward - my bike is coming soon, it will be a good bike at a great price and I will enjoy riding it.  And everything else will take care of itself.  I'm off to walk the dogs, in the heat, and to enjoy that too!

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